About Us
The Anglican Parish of Mahone Bay is comprised of two churches in Lunenburg County on the South Shore of Nova Scotia: St. James' Anglican Church in Mahone Bay, and Christ Church in Maitland. We are a friendly congregation and we welcome visitors. Please drop by when you're in the area and if you live here, consider joining our worship community.
Our Logo
The logo of the Anglican Parish of Mahone Bay features components representing our Anglican heritage and both churches that comprise our parish, St. James', Mahone Bay and Christ Church, Maitland. It was designed by Emily Diehl and approved by Parish Council in June 2024.
Symbolism of Components
Canterbury cross: This cross was designed after an Anglo-Saxon brooch dating from circa 850 and discovered in 1867 in Canterbury. It features four arms that are wider on the edge to create a triangular shape, symbolic of the Trinity. In 1932, Canterbury crosses made of Canterbury stone were sent to each Anglican diocesan cathedral in the world as a symbol of the Anglican worldwide communion.
Inverted scallop shell: The inverted scallop shell represents St. James. This association comes from several legends regarding his journey to Iberia (now northern Spain) after Christ’s death. After his martyrdom in 44 CE, the symbol became linked to the Camino de Santiago, where pilgrims walked the same road as the martyred apostle.
Chi Rho: The chi rho is among the earliest symbols for Christ, using the first two letters of the Greek Christos (ΧΡƖΣΤΟΣ): the chi (Χ) and the rho (Ρ).
Font: The font used is Metamorphous, designed by James Grieshaber and licensed under the Open Font License. It mixes Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance letter shapes. Its use here reflects the arches of our stained-glass windows and cathedral ceilings.
Parish Contacts
Rector: Rev'd Dr. Patti Brace
Phone: 902.624.9021
Email: rector[at]parishofmahonebay.ca
Facebook Coordinator: Ashley Slauenwhite
Email: wardens[at]parishofmahonebay.ca
St. James'
Margot Lutes
Stuart Hirtle
Leslie Knickle
Christ Church
Stuart Dauphinee
Doreen Wheeler
Other Contacts
Organists & Choir Directors: Sam Tidd & Mark Eisnor
Email: music[dot]mahonebay[at]gmail.com
ACW: Elizabeth Spinney
Altar Guild: Sandy Hippern & Joan Langille
Custodian: Shaun Marek
Envelope Secretary: Marilyn Tremere
Flower Fund: Margot Lutes
Food Bank Coordinator: Tom Spinney
Outreach: Jenny Sandison
Parish Treasurer: Sharon Wade
Parish Safety Officer & Property: Brad Tremere
Sunday School Superintendent & CBL Coordinator: Tom Ernst
Office Information
14 Parish Street
Box 25
Mahone Bay, NS
B0J 2E0
Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
except holidays
Administrator: Emily Diehl
Office: 902.624.8614
Email: office[at]parishofmahonebay.ca
About Our Rector
Patti has been rector of the Parish of Mahone Bay since November 2021 and currently serves as Regional Dean for the South Shore Region.
She hails from the Diocese of Algoma in northern Ontario, where she was an English professor for twenty years. She was ordained deacon in 2018 and priest in 2019. As deacon, she served as honorary associate at Christ Church, Lively, and St. John the Divine, Copper Cliff. As priest, she served on the north shore of Lake Superior at St. Mary's, Nipigon, and St. John's, Schreiber.
Patti and her English cocker spaniel, Lyra, love exploring the beautiful beaches and trails of the South Shore while cats Simon and Phil keep watch at the rectory windows.