
The Anglican Parish of Mahone Bay

You are most welcome here!

Upcoming Events 

Parish Announcements

  • On Wednesday, January 29, at 2:00 pm, the Mahone Bay Museum will hold its inaugural “Museum in the Community” talk. It will take place at St. James’ and Patti will give a presentation entitled, “Faith made Physical: Sight and Sound at St. James Anglican Church,” which delves into the history of the church’s design and construction from acoustics to windows. The presentation and discussion will last about an hour and there will be a reception afterward. There is a suggested donation of $5.
  • As we enter our new year, we look toward our Annual General Meeting in February. If you have an interest in participating on parish council or taking on the role of warden, please let Patti or a current warden know. Emily asks that reports be submitted by the end of the month.
  • Our Advent study has started up again, now that our books have arrived. We will discuss chapter 4 on Thursday, January 23, at 10:00 am in the ACW room.
  • Calling new servers! If you are big enough to carry a cross or hold a cruet and would like to help with our liturgies, please let Patti know because we will be training more servers to join our merry little band. Please note, servers can be any age, so if you’ve always wanted to do it this is your chance! 
  • If you'd like to donate recyclables to the CBL, you can drop them off at the garage doors beside the Parish Hall. If you have questions, please contact Tom Ernst at 624-6133.

Community Events

  • Sunday Brunch at the Mahone Bay Legion is held on the last Sunday of each month from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. No reservations required. Adults are $13; children 12 and under are $7; ages 5 and under are free.

Recurring Events and Information

  • Patti will be in the office on Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11:30 am and at The Barn on Fridays from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.
  • The Prayer Beads group meets on the first and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 pm in the church. Come and discover a new way to pray.
  • Food Bank Sunday is the first Sunday of the month! Please place donations in the basket at the back of the church or items may be dropped off at the office during office hours. Items they can always use more of include Cheez Whiz, canned milk, boxed macaroni and cheese, jam and jelly, canned fruit, and canned meat. Other deeply needed items are toiletries and feminine hygiene products.
  • Join the Church Boys' League (CBL) on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the parish hall. Any questions, please call Tom Ernst at 624.6133. If you'd like to donate bottles to the CBL's ongoing fund drive, you can drop them off at the garage doors beside the Parish Hall.
  • Anyone wishing to have an afternoon out and enjoy a cup of tea please feel free to join the knitters between 1:00 – 3:30 pm on Wednesdays. They will make you most welcome!
  • We have a Prayer Chain in the parish. If you would like prayers for yourself, or a friend, please call the office.
  • Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) is a way of giving your weekly offerings by automatic monthly deductions on your credit card or from your bank account. If you are interested, information and forms are available at the back of the church. You can also contact Debbie Smeltzer, or find the information on the diocesan website.
  • Memorial donations may be made by mailing or dropping off cheques payable to St. James' In Memoriam Fund to the office.
